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cost of issue中文是什么意思

用"cost of issue"造句"cost of issue"怎么读"cost of issue" in a sentence


  • 招股费用;发行股份费用
  • "cost"中文翻译    n. 1.费用;代价,价格;成本。 2.牺牲;损害,损失 ...
  • "issue"中文翻译    n. 1.出口;河口。 2.结果,结局;成绩。 3.收获 ...
  • "at issue cost" 中文翻译 :    按发行价格
  • "issue cost" 中文翻译 :    发行成本
  • "bond issue cost" 中文翻译 :    公司债发行成本; 公司债发行费用; 债券发行成本,债券发行费用; 债券发行费用摊销
  • "stock issue cost" 中文翻译 :    股 票发行费
  • "at issue" 中文翻译 :    待解决的;争议中的; 有分歧的地方; 有争论; 有争议的; 在争论中; 争论中
  • "be at issue" 中文翻译 :    在争论中,不和的;待裁决的
  • "be in issue" 中文翻译 :    正在产奶
  • "in issue" 中文翻译 :    已发行; 在争论中; 争论中的
  • "in the issue" 中文翻译 :    结果,结局; 结果,结局
  • "issue" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.出口;河口。 2.结果,结局;成绩。 3.收获,收益。 4.颁布,发行;发行额;发行物。 5.流出,(血、水等的)涌出;【病理学】出血,流脓。 6.【法律】子孙,子女。 7.论点;争论问题;商讨;【法律】争点,争端。 bring sth. To a successful issue 使某事圆满结束。 Decide the issue of the battle 决定战役胜败。 A bank of issue 发行银行。 A new issue(纸币等的)新发行;(书报等的)新版;(军需品等的)新发给。 Items of issue(军队的)补给品。 Monetary issue 货币放行。 The issue of an order 命令的颁布。 The latest issue 最近一期报刊。 An issue of blood = a bloody ,出血,流血。 Die without issue死后无子孙。 A major issue of principle 大是大非的问题。 A minor [side] issue 枝节问题。 Debate an issue 讨论问题。 Distinguish right from wrong on issues of major importance 分清大是大非。 The burning issue of the day 燃眉之急的问题。 At issue不一致,不相容;【法律】在争论中;待裁决的(be at issue with sb. 与某人意见不一致。 Point at issue 争点)。 Bring an issue to a close 把问题解决。 Face the issue正视事实,认真对待事实。 Force an issue 强迫对方表示态度。 In issue 在争论中。 In the issue 结局,到头来。 Issue of fact 事实上的争点。 Issue of law 法律上的争点。 Join issue (with) 对…持异议,和…争持;【法律】诉讼双方一同提出争持焦点请求裁决。 Make an issue of sth. 把某事当作问题,反对…。 Put to the issue 使对问题便于作出决定。 Raise a new issue 提出新论点。 Ride off on a side issue专谈枝节问题。 Take issue with sb. 反对某人,同某人争执。 vi. 1.出,流出,涌出,发出。 2.生,起;得…结果。 3.(报刊等的)发行,发布。 4.提出抗议,进行辩护。 5.【法律】传代,传下。 The students issued out into the streets. 学生涌到街上。 Blood issued from the cut. 血从伤口流出。 Smoke issuing from a chimney 从烟囱里涌出的烟。 The oversight issued in heavy losses. 疏忽造成重大损失。 Issue forth [out] 出来,跳出,迸出。 Issue from 生自…,是…的子孙。 vt. 1.使流出,放出。 2.发行(邮票等);发布(命令);发行(书刊);出版。 3.发给,配给。 issue an order 发布命令。 Issue ammunition to troops 发弹药给军队。
  • "issue at" 中文翻译 :    签发地
  • "issue in" 中文翻译 :    导致; 以…结束; 造成
  • "issue to" 中文翻译 :    发出缴款通知
  • "to issue" 中文翻译 :    做出
  • "at a cost of" 中文翻译 :    以..为代价,成本为……
  • "at cost" 中文翻译 :    按成本计算; 成本值; 以成本价;按收回成本的原则; 照原价
  • "at no cost" 中文翻译 :    以半价
  • "at the cost of" 中文翻译 :    丧失,牺牲; 以为代价; 以…代价; 以…为代价,牺牲…而获得; 以什么为代价; 以之为代价
  • "cost" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.费用;代价,价格;成本。 2.牺牲;损害,损失。 3.〔pl.〕讼费。 living costs 生活费用,物价。 first [prime, initial] cost生产成本。 at all costs = at any cost 无论如何,不惜任何牺牲。 at cost 照成本。 at sb.'s cost 某人出钱;损及某人。 at the cost of 以…为牺牲,舍…而。 cost and freight 成本加运费〔略作 C.& F.〕。 cost of living 生活费(用)。 cost of living index 物价指数。 cost of operation 管理费用。 count the cost 估计费用;先盘算盘算。 free of cost 免费,(奉)送。 to sb.'s cost 归某人负担,算作某人损失;叫某人受累;某人吃亏后才(as I know to my cost我吃亏后才知道。 I knew it to my cost. 这个我(因吃过苦头)是见而有戒了。 He found to his cost that motoring is dangerous. 他(吃过苦头后才)知道开汽车是危险的)。 vt. (cost; cost) 1.值,要价(苦干);花费,需要。 2.使花费,使损失,牺牲。 3.估定(…的)成本。 vi. 花费,付代价。 It costs five dollars. 值五元,要价五元。 It cost me much labour. 费了我不少劳力。 His ambition cost him his life. 他的野心断送了自己一条命。 cost (sb.) dear(ly) 代价极大,费用极高;闯大祸,吃大亏(If you attempt it, it will cost you dear. 你试试看,一定要吃大亏的)。 cost what it may 不惜任何代价,无论代价多少;无论如何。
  • "cost s" 中文翻译 :    成本函数
  • "no-cost" 中文翻译 :    adj. 〔美俚〕免费的。
  • "on cost" 中文翻译 :    按照成本; 间接费用; 外加成本
  • "a back issue" 中文翻译 :    过期期刊


  • Proceeds from the sale of the pncs after deducting the cost of issue will be used to fund selected projects for the benefit of the community
  • Proceeds from the sale of the gold coins after deducting the cost of issue will be used to fund selected projects for the benefit of the community
  • Proceeds from the sale of the proof sets after deducting the cost of issue will be used to fund selected projects for the benefit of the community
  • Proceeds from the sale of the gold coins after deducting the cost of issue will be used to fund selected charities and community projects for the benefit of the community
  • The sub - committee considered a proposal for using hong kong dollar interest rate swaps as a means of reducing the cost of issuing more long - dated exchange fund notes
    7 .委员会考虑了一项利用港元利率掉期合约以减低发行长期外汇基金债券的成本的建议。委员会成员得悉,
  • Members noted that , following approval by the financial secretary for the use of interest rate swaps to manage the cost of issuing long - dated exchange fund notes , the first such transactions had taken place in mid - june
  • Including the cost of paying employees in stock , microsoft spent 6 . 8 billion on r and d last year , but said that number would be slightly lower at around 6 billion in fiscal 2005 due to the lower costs of issuing stock awards
  • 8 . having considered the likely gains and the possible risks associated with such a practice , the sub - committee supported the proposal to use hong kong dollar interest rate swaps as a means of reducing the cost of issuing exchange fund notes
    8 .考虑过上述方法可能带来的益处及潜在风险后,委员会支持运用港元利率掉期合约减低发行外汇基金债券的成本的建议。
  • In the research of ways of national debt issue , through a study and comparison of the features , cost of issuing and efficiency of issuing between several national debts of different countries , on the basis of a retrospect and analysis of the history of ways of issuing , the author puts forwards measures of perfecting the bid methods of national debt in our country
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